Interior Design

Reduce & Reuse

Choose durable decor items that can be reused year after year

Choose decorations made from cloth, wood, metal, or durable and ideally upcycled plastic, particularly for seasonal decorations that are used temporarily and can be reused every year.

Keep the messaging general so that it stays applicable. 

Avoid large single-use plastic seasonal decorations such as plastic Christmas trees and window or floor decals. 

Optimize for biophilia

Use living walls and live plants (rather than plastic plants) for aesthetics that will also purify the air and maximize employee productivity through the principles of biophilia. 

Did-You-Know: Biophilia hypothesis suggests that people have an innate tendency to appreciate other forms of life. We feel more relaxed and calm when surrounded by living plants, and are more likely to stay focused and engaged.


M Moser uses Naava walls in their NYC office to help achieve the high air quality standards of their WELL Platinum and RESET certifications.