Restaurant Guide
Blue sets a new standard for the restaurant industry to operate sustainably at scale.
Oceanic Global believes knowledge should be open-source. This is a comprehensive, step-by-step guide to implement sustainable best practices in the restaurant industry, with a strong focus on reducing single-use plastics and optimizing waste management. Oceanic Global sees tackling plastic and waste within your business as a gateway to take further action.
How to Use This Guide
This guide starts by outlining a checklist of single-use plastic items commonly used in the restaurant sector. The guide highlights traditionally used harmful single-use plastic items and identifies operational recommendations and solutions that can be implemented for restaurants of all sizes and types. This restaurant guide also highlights Blue Actions that provide solutions beyond single-use plastics. Blue Actions range from choosing non-toxic products, sourcing local and plant-based food, to responsible seafood and engaging suppliers and third-party partners in your initiatives. Resources integrated throughout the guide include case studies, callouts, did-you-know features (facts and relevant policy updates), and transparency around potential greenwashing.
For businesses that choose to pursue Blue Verification, this guide outlines detailed criteria and associated recommendations to become Blue Verified.
The Power of Industry to Drive Change
The restaurant industry is highly consumer-facing and plays a significant role in influencing the lifestyle behaviors of patrons and staff. Restaurants have the potential to serve as role models by minimizing their environmental footprint and inspiring best practices in their community, to drive a ripple effect of behavior change. This step-by-step guide is a tool for restaurants to take tangible action for the health of our blue planet.
This free industry guide was created by Oceanic Global.
© Oceanic Global Blue Standard 2021